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He was doing exceptionally well getting individual clients via Facebook but of the back of such a highlight award, corporate came knocking at his door and each time he directed them to see his portfolio on Facebook, he at most occasions lost the business even though his work was so good.
We were honored to have the opportunity to work with a fellow creative who does exceptionally well at his work and we quickly came in with solutions first to present better.
Archer Designs came in with a multi-phased approach of solving any and all problems he’d been facing in the line of his work. We then went ahead to create a robust website that featured the following:
- A fluid and well-functioning website that looks as good as his work.
- The inability of a user to save images direct from his website without his permission ( A common way hard work is stolen by people and they end up claiming it as theirs)
- The ability of clients to proof their work online, that is if Willy take 100 photos and he had discussed that he could only print 50 for the photo book, the client can choose 50 of their best photos straight from his website, riding of hours and money it takes to sit down with the client so they can choose from your laptop
- Ecommerce Capability! Yeah if Willy wants, he can now even sell mitumba on his website and people can pay via MPESA & other mobile money! That’s up to him
Although we just launched it and we’re still optimizing things here and there. It’s starting to change how Willy conducts his business in a major way. Easily and more reliably.